Skin Rejuvenation
Skin rejuvenation implies collective mix of aesthetic procedures undertaken by expert dermatologist to restore and bring back the lost youthful look of skin and face and minimize the skin signs of damage and ageing. The procedure can involve a single or multiple methods and ways, depending on condition of skin of the patient to achieve desired result.It may involve different modalities like chemical peeling, hydrafacial, botulinum toxin, dermal fillers, boosters, laser, dermapen along with a array of meso solutions and injections.

We all desire youthful, radiant skin, but neglect, misinformation, and improper care can damage skin tone and texture, leading to fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, pigmentation issues, scarring, sagging, and a dull appearance. Fortunately, modern treatments can address these signs of aging, offering the possibility of restoring a youthful glow.
What it treats
Skin Rejuvenation
What is
Skin Rejuvenation?
Different modalities of skin rejuvenation can treat all aspects of ageing and bring back youthful look. Using different methods we can minimize fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, tanning, different shades of pigmentation, scarring, sagging and visibly tired look. Melasma, chloasma, post inflammatory hypo or hyper pigmentation, freckles, lentigines all can be managed and skin can be rejuvenated.
Duration of
the treatment
Depending on the procedure done, problems addressed and desired results, it can range from few minutes to hours.Some procedures involve considerable downtime and post procedure precautions.
How does
it work?
Most of the procedures involved in skin rejuvenation causes removal or peeling off, of the superficial thin layer of skin(epidermis) in some way and promotes collagen stimulation leading to more fuller youthful glowing look. Exfoliation of superficial epidermis helps remove dead cells, un-clog pores, takes care of extra sebum secretion and promotes growth of new healthy skin.
Minimising Risks &
Side Effects
Under expert supervision, all the procedures are safe and does not involve any risk. Although procedure specific guidelines, proper patient selection and proper post procedure precautions are mandatory and need to be adhered to. Sun light protection, avoiding excess outdoor activities and proper skin care regime is advisable.